
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Creating A site using Weebly

I experimented this week with a site called Weebly. It was very simple and easy to use. It takes you through the process and has the layout right there for you, including different page layouts. Plus, it's a big time saver, since you only need to really edit the  content. Let me show you how it works.

  1. First make your Free Weebly account. This allows you to publish an actual website with ".weebly.com", if you want your own domain, you must purchase it. It explains this in the site. Start off by hitting create new website.  As you can see, I already have a free website "Global Warming". This was for Earth day of 2015. This site does not have its own domain, but you can see it by going to "globalwarmingdestruction.weebly.com/". It goes over some of the causes and future we have with global warming occurring.                     
  2. Next it will ask you if you want a site, blog, or store. I chose Website. Then choose a theme. I chose to narrow down my search to websites that had a simple layout and a color scheme green and dark. The one I chose is circled in the picture.

       3. Next it will ask you if you want to have a domain or subdomain. Mine is free, meaning the weebly version. By picking something other then the top choice, you will have to purchase it.
        4.  From here it takes you to the layout where you can edit the content, pages, colors... It's very simple to use. You can edit anywhere there is text (except the footer), and when adding pages, it keeps the basic structure and you pick the layout to fit that specific page.

    5. For example, by hitting pages at the top, I can add a contact page. I will call it Contact, and then choose what I want the layout of that to look like. They have layouts ranging from About us to contact,  and even a MENU, if you had one.
I personally loved making a website, because it was fast, clean, and efficient for what type of website I was needing. It also would make a really good website if you wanted to start up a company, and needed something you could manage yourself, since time management goes quickly in this site builder. Also it's great for basic pages. And say you don't see the layout your looking for? You can delete parts, and rearrange! Simply hover over what you would like to edit, and it will pop up options for that specific element. I could delete it, enlarge it, shrink it...etc. Another thing is, it's great for having the basics. If I needed an about page, contact, and menu, the layouts are already there, and I wouldn't have to make my own css and html.  Plus I can highlight the text and change the color and size with a click of the button.

I could also just use the side bar and drag in what I want to a page! The only negative side is that maybe you want a theme that isn't provided and pages. But I wouldn't say that's to big of a downer for a simple start out site. Its faster then dreamweaver, and lets you add photos that aren't even saved for web! I recommend this site for anyone. Unless of course, your to advance. However, even then, you can add your own code and make it even better, faster! With the embed code section. And you have to tools with one click. I think it's pretty good for usability and people could have a lot of fun experimenting with this site. It's good for stores,blogs,sites,restaurants, and more. Once again, to see an example of a site I made using this, go to "globalwarmingdestruction.weebly.com/"

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